Gimnazija Velenje vsako leto za učence in učenke 9. razreda razpiše literarni natečaj v tujem jeziku. Nemščina ali angleščina, zgodba ali strip. Vse je mogoče. Na letošnjem natečaju je sodelovala tudi naša učenka, Ebba Miklavc iz 9. c razreda, ki pa je hkrati bila tudi edina 9-šolka v naši regiji, ki se je v času šolanja na daljavo odločila za sodelovanje.
Prav v ta namen ji dijaki Gimnazije Velenje z mentoricama še posebej čestitajo in zanjo pripravljajo tudi delavnico, ki jo bodo z Ebbo in nekaterimi njenimi sošolci in sošolkami izvedli na daljavo.
Tema letošnjega natečaja je bila GRAFITI, Ebba pa se je prijavila z zgodbo It's us, isn't it?
Želimo vam obilo užitka ob branju.
It's us, isn't it?
Yunno was an art student walking to a coffee shop to get some inspiration for her new drawing. On the way there Yunno bumped into a man named Haru. She apologised and offered to buy him some coffee. Haru accepted and went with her. Shortly after that they became friends. They grabbed coffee and drank it at the place they bumped into each other everyday. It was slowly becoming a routine. During their dates, Yunno and Haru never noticed that a strange graffiti artist was looking at them. Soon that fairytale came to an end. A deadly virus has been spreading around the world. It didn't mean nothing to them, until it came to their country.
When the government announced a lock down it didn't take long before both Haru and Yunno rushed to their spot. Once she saw him, Yunno started to cry. She knew that when the lock down is going to be approved, they couldn't meet anymore. Yunno didn't want to leave him but they agreed that they shouldn't see each other until it was over.˝See you soon˝ Haru said in a sad tone. ˝See you soon˝ Yunno responded. That ˝soon˝ swiftly turned into 2 years. During the pandemic Yunno's life was exactly the same as before the pandemic. She went outside with no mask on and still went to multiple parties. As for Haru his life completely changed. He was fired from his job because of the virus. He had no other choice but to work for a friends coffee shop. The business there was slow, so he barely made enough money for food. One night Yunno was partying with her friends but then her head started to spin. She collapsed soon after. In the morning she woke up in the hospital. Her head was still spinning from the other night. A knock was heard from outside. It was the nurse who was taking care of her. The nurse ran some tests and soon after that they figured out that she was positive for the virus. She came up the window, looking at the graffiti across the street. She was worried about her health.
Once Haru heard the news he ran to the hospital. At that
moment he completely forgot about the virus. As soon as he entered the room
Haru started to sob. Yunno got up and started to comfort him. ˝I'm not going
anywhere˝ she said in a heartbreaking tone. Haru took the chance and tried to
kiss her, with their masks still on.
She just laughed and pointed to the graffiti. Thats us isn't it? Haru slightly nodded.
Ebba Miklavc
Mojca Kacjan
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