Ustvarjajmo v tujem jeziku

Zagotovo poznate literarne natečaje, o katerih vas obveščajo učiteljice slovenščine. Pri tujem jeziku pa teh ni veliko, prav zaradi tega smo vsako leto veseli, da nas k sodelovanju na tujejezičnem natečaju povabijo na Gimnaziji šolskega centra Velenje. 

Le ta je v letošnjem letu nosil naslov Without fear there cannot be true courage. Za sodelovanje se je odločila Lara Jošt, učenka 9. č razreda, ki je na natečaju, ki se je zaključil 24. 2. 2023, sodelovala s kar dvema prispevkoma.

Lara je v okviru natečaja vabljena na zaključno delavnico, ki bo na Gimnaziji v Velenju potekala 20. 4. 2023. Če pa vas zanimata njuna prispevka, vljudno vabljeni k branju spodaj. 


Fear is always there

in the back of my mind

reminding me:

you’re not good enough

telling me I can’t do it

that I’m not tough.


I’m not a brave person

not even close,

I’m scared of spiders and snakes,

heartbreaks and mistakes

but mostly I’m scared

that I’ll never be good enough,

smart enough,

pretty enough,

funny enough.

I’m scared I’ll never be special,

that I’m just another fish in the sea.


My mother always said to me:

“Everything is in your head Lara!”

I have to admit

I was never the kind to be carefree,

always so many doubts and thoughts

running through my head

always so many worries ahead.


Think of fear as a fog,

it makes your world blurry

it’s like a heavy cloud

full of doubt and worry.


Courage isn’t getting rid of fear,

it’s controlling it,

it’s allowing yourself to admit,

that it’s okay to be scared,

that fear doesn’t make you impaired

it only makes you prepared.


My little brother once asked me what’s a friend. And I didn’t really know what to answer him. Well, nothing compares to friends really. They are with you not because they have your blood, not because they are romantically interested in you, not because they need you. Friends are there because they, want to be with you. They don’t have to hang out with you, trust you, make you laugh. And as much as humans try to deny it, we need someone to want us for who we are, not how we look, or how much money we have or where we are from. We want someone to want us for who we are, even though sometimes we don’t admit it. That’s what makes friends so precious. It is quite ironic when you think about it. We are the kings of the world- humans, we are the most intelligent, developed, the most dangerous beings, we could destroy everything, we have the power to make wars and yet we have this need, this desire for a friend. A human who will listen. Who will trust us. Protect us. Encourage us. Make us laugh. Help us. No matter how rich or powerful or successful we are everyone needs a friend.

But why do we need friends? We don’t actually need them. In fact, I am accurate you could easily survive without one. And yet life is so much easier to go through if you go through it with a friend. Not only easier, it’s also more fun. Life isn’t fair. Not everyone has nice or caring parents or a supportive family. But that’s what makes friends so special. They are the family we choose. 
Friends make life a bit less scary and a lot more fun. And besides that 

we all sometimes need a friend to remind us that everything is okay. Or to push us out of our comfort zone.

But why do friends make life so much more fun? Why is friendship so crucial for our mental health? I have to admit I’m not one hundred percent sure. Maybe it’s because friends make us laugh. Or perhaps it’s because we can go on adventures with them? Or maybe it’s just the fact that doing something crazy is a lot less scary when you do it with a friend. On the other hand, maybe it’s simply because we can be ourselves around them.

I personally was never the kind of person who had a ton of friends. So, I think it’s important to point out that it doesn’t matter whether you have a million friends if none of them are good friends. Real friends. What is a good friend? A good friend is a person who is supportive of your decisions and doesn’t sugar coat the truth for you. It’s a person which you can trust and they can trust you. It’s a person whose presence makes your day better. I could go on and on but really a good friend is someone who cares about you. That’s all it takes to make a lifelong friendship. Two people who care about each other a lot. And when you put it that way it doesn’t sound so hard or complicated. I really believe that friends are our platonic soulmates. They have a special place in our hearts. Friendships are such a unique and a special thing.

It's not fair for a person to go through life alone. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on and a mouth to laugh with. And friends are the best companions to go through life with.


Avtorica obeh prispevkov: Lara Jošt

Mentorica: Mojca Kacjan


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