V tednu od 17. do 21. 1. 2022 smo na šoli izvedli kar nekaj dejavnosti v okviru projekta Teden pisanja z roko. A v kolikor ste se slučajno spraševali, ali smo edini, ki praznujemo takšne dni naj vas pomirim, nismo.
Američani že od leta 1977 praznujejo nacionalni dan pisanja z roko, ki opominja ljudi na pomen pisanja z roko. Dan vsako leto praznujejo 23. januarja, ki je hkrati rojstni dan Johna Hancocka, prvega podpisnika Deklaracije o neodvisnosti, eden najpomembnejših ameriških dokumentov, ki je bil davnega leta 1776 napisan kako drugače kot pa na roko.
Tudi mi se bomo pri pouku angleščine v tem tednu lotili aktivnosti ob nacionalnem dnevu pisanja z roko, še več pa upam, da boste postorili doma, čim večkrat, najbolje kar vsak dan :-).
In ker izvajamo aktivnosti pri angleščini tudi nadaljujmo tako ...
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National handwriting day lets us all take a step back and realize what a pencil, hand, and a paper can do.
1 Think about all the important, handwritten documents in the world. Let your English teacher Mojca show you the replica of the Declaration of Independence and other important documents of the USA.
2 Observe people's handwriting. Find out which class mate of yours wrote a note in the jar.
3 With the help of graphology tips find out, what your handwriting says about yourself. If you think it's too sloppy, work on to improve it.
4 Re-learn cursive handwriting and use it as much as you can. Cursive is a faster way of writing, and looks prettier than normal handwriting. Some people prefer to just write their name in cursive while others use cursive handwriting all the time.
5 Teach someone to write. Perhaps your younger brother or sister, neighbour or a friend.
7 Write a poem or a story. It doesn't matter whether it is in English, German or Slovene, as long as you write it by hand. Who knows, perhaps you even write a love letter to a classmate or someone you like.
8 Learn about different fonts to use when you write by hand. Try even combining them in one text. Ask Google how to hand write different fonts and he will help you.
9 Practise your personal signature. Look at other famous signatures for inspiration (such as the birthday boy of this holiday, John Hancock). For your signature, try making just one letter stand out or emphasise all the other letters.
10 Write down your goals, dreams, and hopes. Those who write out their goals, dreams, and hopes are 33% more likely to achieve them due to the more personal nature of handwriting.
11 Keep a dream journal. Wouldn't it be nice to wake up and sleepily write down what you dreamt about?
13 Write. As much as you can, by hand of course. As a teacher, I always prepare worksheets for students on my computer. This time I didn't. I prepared it by hand. It wasn't difficult, it just took me a few minutes more. Now it's your turn.
teacher Mojca
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